Faithless - Insomnia

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Evaluation Question 3: Audience Feedback

E V A L U A T I O N  Q U E S T I O N  3


Answer part 1:

Answer Part 2:

Originally we based our target audience on our own knowledge. As our act - Faithless is a well known band across the UK we already had an idea of our primary and secondary target audience. We believed that 'insomnia' was a well known song. Therefore, our primary target audience age is 15-24 and our secondary target audience age is 25-40.

YouTube Comment
YouTube Comment
Carrying out research on YouTube as a start up task. We found a lot from this immediately as their is a target audience for our primary target audience. But this also highlighted to us that there was a secondary audience as well. To begin with we were sceptical about our decision of our primary and secondary audience because we thought that the act would be more suited to an older audience as
the primary audience. As Faithless originated in the early 90's. However, the feedback we got from YouTube comments didn't lead us to change our minds.

Another feature i found relatively useful was to look at Faithless' live performances and to look at the audience members attending the concerts. This was a useful tool as we could roughly work out the age of the audience. This matched up to our primary and secondary target audience perfectly as there was a mix between the two at Faithless' live performances.

When researching for magazine ads this also helped us define our target audiences as we looked into previous magazines that Faithless have been in. As well as this it also helped me know which magazine to target when creating a magazine ad as the right audience would be targeted. 

This is my initial knowledge of magazines and their target audiences...

Jay Z on the Rolling Stone cover
  • Q magazine - Target audience 25-40
  • MixMag - Target audience 18-32
  • NME - Target audience 15-24
  • Rolling Stone - Target audiences 16-24, 25-40
  • Mojo - Target audience 25-40
  • Fact - Target audience 18-32
  • FHM - Target audience 15-34
Dance specific...
  • djmag - Target audience 18-32
  • Core - Target audience 25-40
  • Maxumi - Target audience 18-32
  • OHM - Target audience 18-32

 The steps i took to hunch our target audience were simple but effective methods. These were showing members of our primary target audience pictures of our artist and seeing if there was any recognition there. A second thing I did was to play the mp3 of the track 'Insomnia' to see if there was any recognition with the song as well.

This is an audience research vodcast we created.

Age/gender/ethnicity/sexuality/nationality and class were not an issue in the nature of the feedback we received in terms of content. Girls were usually much more hesitant to speak on camera and were very camera shy. Most of the feedback we got was from our peers from our primary target audience. The feedback was good but wasn't very thourough. Compared to the feedback we got from our fellow students and teachers their feedback was alot more precise than the general feedback we received. It was good to use a range of both general and educated feedback as we could act upon the little things as well as things that a normal viewer may not see such a slight glitch in camera movement.

We created a range of sample sequences, 5 in total and told them the idea of what we were going to do for this video, and that gave them a taste of what it was going to be like.  One of the questions we asked was ‘do you think this idea is appropriate for our target audience?’ The feedback was that it was suitable because of the idea and the fact that the main character fits in the age range of our primary target audience so they can relate to the character. We also were planning to incorporate a nightclub scene in our original idea, which our target audience seemed fond of. However, we didn’t include the nightclub scene in our final draft because it was unconvincing and un-realistic. A lot also agreed that the music was suited to our target audience because the track was well known. On the contrary one person did say that the audience could be stretched to an older audience profile because their parents would be familiar with this genre of music and the act itself. Which is why we have a secondary target audience. Another question we asked our audience was ‘any thoughts on how we could utilize the tools of social media?’ The majority said Face Book was a key tool especially for people who have a lot of followers therefore we could reach a wider audience base, and it gives a possibility of a viral aspect.

We were able to gain feedback from our sample sequences which was good as it required little time. As we made 5, we got a good range of feedback. I gained feedback from 5 peers on the sequences although the audio on the clips were muted. The feedback boiled down to both positive and negative.

The positives were.
·      The track itself was good
·      The black and white filter
·      The effects used e.g. the time lapse on the chair

The negatives were.
·      Lip syncing out of time in some sample sequences
·      Boring in places

The audience feedback from this was useful as we knew what to do and what not to do when it came to creating our rough cuts. It also gave us a heads up on what we had planned to shoot, as we could change this accordingly and save time.

One of the key pieces that arised from our audience feedback was our nightmare scenes. We originally had a masked character but this was very unconvincing and didn’t fit in with the style of our music video at all. Which is what we were told. We therefore, changed the idea completely to a little girl which gave the text verisimilitude as well as Stuart Halls preffered reading which is what we hoped for. So the feedback was very useful as it allowed us to change our character and know that it was what our audience would like.

Digipak Audience Feedback:

Throughout all our digipak rough cuts we collected feedback from our primary audience and our secondary audience, this way our end product would be able to achieve the preferred reading from our audiences.

With our first digipak draft the design only reflected our research into the genre and therefore didn’t reflect any audience input, which is probably why our final draft looks nothing like our first seen as our audience weren’t appealed by it at all, and from our feedback they preffered the further drafts we created with a grid of our main character, and also the use of our character standing aloine on the rock.

Mag Ad Audience Feedback:

In total we created over ten mag ad drafts which were all summariused in a vodcast we created. With our mag ad we stuck to the main conventions and we collected feedback from our primary audience and our secondary audience, this way our end product would be able to achieve the preferred reading from our audiences.

Audience feedback showed that our primary audience particularly liked the tube station draft ideas and liked the link we made with Faithless’ British heritage, our tube station ads were not the one we going to use as our final magazine ads. However, if we included more conventions they could have been, this is why we used them for teaser ads. Our final mag ad was widely preffered from the rest of the mags ads we designed, our audience feedback helped us tweak the final stages of designing as one member of our focus group said that we should enlarge the band name and make iot stand out more which is why we increased the font size and decreased the size of the information. Also due to audience feedback we layered an image of the girl onto our mag ad to fill a blank space, as they had seen our rough cuts prior, they knew of the second character. When a filter was added this was very effective. Therefore our audience feedback played a large part in our Mag Ad.

The web 2.0 theory really helped us with receiving feedback as it facilitated interaction with our audience through the use of YouTube and twitter. Which follows Tim O’ Reilys theory of an ‘architecture of participation’ which delivers a rich user experience in the way they can now interact and access our music video. In some cases the audience has a large role in our production which links to David Gauntlets theory as people become producers as well as consumers. An example would be when we mad our video faster paced towards the end due to consumer input.

 Before the construction of our media product we already had an idea in mind of the audience we were addressing which would follow Ien Angs theory.

John Hartley states ‘institutions are obliged not only to speak about an audience, but-crucially, for them to talk one to one as well’ Our text would follow this theory as we effectively created a character that our audience can engage with through the text. As our target audience’s age range is similar to our characters. It is also reflected in the mise en scene and costumes we used, such as black jeans and a stylish coat.

To summarise all three of our media products required us too take in to account, and rely on the audience we were addressing. It proved to be a key aspect during our production as we enjoyed interacting with our audience’s whether we were focusing on our multiple rough cuts, our digipak or our magazine ad. Audience feedback was vital in order for us as a group to bring out the best of our idea, and to make it suitable for our audiences. 

Evaluation Question 2: Package Combo

E V A L U A T I O N  Q U E S T I O N 2



In the real world most of the different products would be made by different companies. The music video would be given usually to an aspiring film director or a specialist in music videos. Many music videos are given a very big budget, some in the millions. Whereas our film didn’t even have a budget.
The advertising via mag ads would also be given to a specialist and not the artist itself, many companies specialize in just making these advertisements. The artist gives these companies their general ideas and then its up to the companies to cater their needs and produce an inspired magazine ad.
The digipack would then either be made by another different specialized company or made by the same company that did the mag ad, as generally like our mag ad and digipack they are both very similar as they are both linked to one and other.

The other question is ‘is a music video art or an advert?’. As the videos  now are very much to advertise the artist as videos can go viral very easily; take Psy – Gangnam style for example. PSY was not a famous artist in the west before this yet a good video along with a catchy song created a great hit. Therefore a music video is very much to create views for their music, it’s a way of attracting your audience. However the counter argument is that it is just a form of art and part of the music. I believe it is abit of both as artists want to give people an idea into what theyre about with their music videos, showing people their unique style. However they are definitely used as an advertising to so more people are listening to their music.

2: detailing your target audience

All three of our texts were linked massively to our target audience. We were sure of our target audience through our initial and on going research we did through out our production. This was our primary audience, which was aged between 15-24 and our secondary audience aged between 25-40. When we were making decisions we always had our target audience in mind due to the web 2.0 theory the audience is also the producer of a text which our product is in some ways as we always reflected our audience.

3: (this links back to audience) where might each text be distributed/exhibited

We would aim to get all 3 of our products distributed to our target audience. Therefore we did research into where all of our products would be distributed. Our mag ad would be in magazines that appeal to the male adult market. We decided that our ideal magazines would be magazines such as MixMag GQ and many others. Our CD would be distributed in places like supermarkets and mainly online websites. There is online music marketplaces such as the iTunes store and Amazon where digitization has allowed consumers to digitally download singles and albums as well as music videos. There are recent examples such as Beyonce’s newly released visual album ‘Beyonce’ which is only available for consumers to download and only includes music videos on the album. In terms of the music video itself our video would be on Youtube. Youtube would act as both an exhibitor and distributor for our music video as the display the work of artists.

4: break down (denotation of) key elements of each of the 3 texts in turn


·      Artist Title
·      Album Title
·      Artist Image
·      Bar Code
·      Lyric booklet
·      Track listing
·      Record Label
·      Orange Filter

Magazine Ad:

·      Artist Image
·      Artist Title
·      Tour Dates
·      Orange Filter
·      Brief information on the artist
·      Tour Locations

Music Video:

·      The black and white effect we used
·      The nightmare character
·      The chair
·      The grafitti wall
·      The song
·      Costume which reflects our target audience

5: in what ways are the 3 products linked

All three texts were linked together in all products. A key example would be our final drafts for our digipak and Mag ad the images we used were both from our music video. These images were of the little girl – the secondary character in our music video and our primary character standing on the moors. The moors image we took from a scene in our music video. We tried this out on the cover of both the digigpak and the mag ad and it worked well. When filters were applied to both this enhanced the image and we were able to use this for both media products.

For the digipak we used images of our character sitting on our chair in front of the graffiti wall location. We had created sample sequence which included a time lapse of our character switching positions in the chair, we took screen shots of each different position and incorporated them into a grid for our digipak this worked well as we didn’t just use the bland image. Changing the saturation and temperature of the image on Photoshop made the image stand out and it worked well for the inside covers of our digipak.

6: in what ways are they differentiated

The products were differentiated in the fact that the music video followed an almost social realist theme and this was reflected in the music video through the use of locations in run down settings, also the use of editing reflected this as there is a black and white filter through out the music video. Compared to both the digipak and the Mag ad much brighter colours were used in order for the texts to stand out. The way that the digipak and the mag ad differentiated, were the conventions mainly as both of these had different conventions. For example there isn’t tour dates on the digipak – this is one of the main conventions when it comes to Mag Ads.

However some of these texts are stand alone. Such as the tube station magazine ads there is a link to our acts British heritage. But, in terms of our production there is no real link between the texts.

7: evidence + reflect on some AF on all 3 as a package

Thursday, 20 March 2014

DW: Digipak Final Draft

Final cut

This is our final every cut for our music video faithless - insomnia. After 5 rough cuts we finally produced this final cut, we hope you like it:

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

CT: Mag Ad Final Draft

This is my final draft of the Magazine Ad.

DW: Digipak Draft 3

This is my third digipak draft.

DW: Digipak Draft 2

This is the second draft I've created as i took the feedback from the first draft and made improvements based on the feedback I received.

Viral Video

When at the creative arts evening we edited as we went along. We took the footage from the camera and synched the footage with the audio. This would give us a sequence that we could then add to the narrative/ performance of our final video.

We sat people in the chair and made them sing a line of each verse of the faithless-insomnia song. This went with our slogan 'Will you dare to sit in the chair?'

We then mixed bits of our final cut with people lip synching. This video is to advertise our final piece and with 123 views on youtube it has definately raised awareness of our video.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

CT: Mag Ad Feedback

Mag Ad Audience feedback

This was audience feedback from two of our primary target audience, they seemed to really like the mag ads.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Feedback for final cut

WE gained feedback for our final cut by sending an email via our teacher, dave. He sent emails around to many different people linking them to the footage. Here are some of the emails that peoplesent back giving feedback on our final cut:

The email Dave sent

Sunday, 16 March 2014

DW: Digipak Final Remixes Draft

Here is my final digipak product,the remixes version,  with all the panels completed which we can now go on to receiving final feedback from our audiences.

DW: Lyric Booklet Final

Here is our final lyric booklet which will go inside the digipak which is a common convention for digipaks.

Front & Back

Page 1 & 2

Page 3 & 4

Page 5 & 6
Page 7 & 8
Page 9 & 10

Friday, 14 March 2014

DW: Digipak Draft 1

This is the first complete draft I created on Adobe Photoshop Elements.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Evaluation Q4

The first and definitely one of the most vital pieces of technology we used was blogger. Blogger was vital to our research and planning which are 20 % of the marks and all round presenting of our A2 coursework. We used blogger to showcase everything we did on our project from our final cut to the research into genre. We displayed all our research and planning on this website. As well as the research and planning and the final product we also used blogger to showcase our evaluation questions as these again are 20% of the marks.

A second very important technology is YouTube. YouTube allows us to showcase our vodcasts and rough cuts and any other videos we wanted to share. YouTube is helpful in many ways for our project, the theory of web 2.0 allowed us to get feedback on our rough cuts from people commenting feedback on our videos. It allowed a platform for all our videos to be showcased and allowed us to share these videos on blogger, which was probably the most important use of YouTube for team DeJaCu. Our evaluation questions are also put onto YouTube which is 40% of the marks.

Final cut pro
Final cut pro was the editing software that we chose for creating our final cut. As well as the final cut we also created many different vodcasts and other videos. When creating our final cut we used many different effects and transitions that are provided by the software. We used several transitions like cross dissolve and flash which both helped make the video have continuity and the all-round quality of the video was improved. We found that final cut pro was very easy to use ad we had used the software last year and had developed some skills in working with it. Not only the final video was created on final cut but all of our evaluation questions were edited on final cut pro. The software is very professional and is user friendly, even used by the famous directors the Coen brothers.

We used Divshare for many of our different tasks on our blogs. One use of divshare was to upload Word documents to our blogs; this was greatly helpful as it allowed us to share many different files for our research and planning. We used this to do things like our timing sheet and lyric sheet. Divshare was also used for creating our weekly podasts and allowed us to put the insomnia song on the top of our blogs.

Magazine sites
Magazine sites like Q magazine allowed us to research into the key conventions of magazine advertisements to imitate when making our magazine ad. We looked at many different magazine sites; mix mag, rolling stones, NME, Mojo and many more. These give us a lot of inspiration for our final mag ad.


Photoshop was vital for producing our digipak and magazine ad, it was an essential. We had no previous experience of using Photoshop, so to begin with it was a struggle to get used to the software. Once we had become used to Photoshop we were able to exploit the range of tools it offered. It allowed us to modify any image we uploaded and we could also download fonts on to the Photoshop software and change the sizes and the positions. There are several different filters to be applied to the images the ones we particularly liked were conte crayon and plastic wrap.

Twitter was a great website for us as it allowed us to advertise our film for free. The film industry spend millions on advertising yet one of the best ways is via social networking and that way it is 100% free. Therefore we took this to our advantage and advertised our music video via our own twitter page. It not only helped get our music video out there but it also let us gather inspiration from the people we followed on facebook e.g. faithless and other interesting twitter pages we had found.

We used a HD camcorder called the -----

Da Font
Da font was used to help create our final digipack and magazine ads. We used this website to search different fonts that would fit in with our final product.

Monday, 10 March 2014

CT: Permission Request

In order to use the track 'Insomnia' - Faithless, we would need to request permission from the record label. After looking at the Insomnia Wikipedia page I found that the record label was Cheeky Records/BMG, bearing in mind that BMG is an international conglomerate and the parent company I thought we may be more successful if we were to contact the subsidiary - Cheeky Records.  After extensive searching I found the contact details for Cheeky Records...

This is the email i sent to Cheeky Records...

Hi, I'm creating a music video for Faithless' 'Insomnia' as part of my Media Studies A-Level. This is not for any commercial usage. We would like your permission to use the audio track for 'Insomnia', for example when publishing our completed video on YouTube (not least as this helps us gain audience feedback on rough cuts and final cuts of our video). We'd be delighted to discuss the concept we have for this video if you are interested, or to simply answer any further questions you might have. You can also address any queries to Mr Burrowes, Head of Media Studies at the school. 
This is one of our sample clips testing different editing styles, if you would like to take a look at one of the clips we would plan on using.

This attempt failed because it wasn't a valid email address. Therefore i went to Faithless' website where there is a contact section, i could copy and paste the same message to the contact box and proceed to send the message in hope of a reply. Because its not a direct email it may be un-likley to get a reply although we are very hopeful.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Rough cut 3 Audience feedback

Rough cut 4

This is our 4th rough cut we have made many changes the main one being a completely new ending to the video. We will now hope to gain feedback now for our final cut.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Influences on our final cut

one of the main influences on our final cut was obviously faithless. We took a lot of inspiration from many of his common conventions of his music videos. Here is the video we come 1:

This video and many of his other has faithless sitting in some sort of chair when lip syncing his songs. Therefore as a very common convention of his we then decided to use the chair as the performance part of the video. This was a huge positive for our video as we got good feedback from it and it fit well in our video.
On chair in we come 1

 Not only did we use the sitting down part for our performance narrative, we also took the convention of a jacket on without a shirt underneath as this is also a common convention of faithless.

Me sat in the chair.

This is me sat in the chair with some conventions of faithless' videos, sitting in the seat and also with a jacket with no shirt underneath.

Here is the video for enjoy the silence by Depeche Mode:

At around 1:11 the song starts cutting scenes to the beat over an over. This was an inspiration for a lot of the start of our song when we cut several scenes to the beat of the song.

Monday, 3 March 2014