Faithless - Insomnia

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Shoot 1: Planning (Tunnel and bench sequences)

We plan to shoot on the 29th of October to get a feel for the shots we would be using. Heres our shooting schedule.


Shoot 1: 29 October, Ilkley tunnel, Ilkley park

Shoot 1

On the 29th of October, sticking to our shooting schedule, we filmed our first footage for our music video Faithless - Insomnia. We were unaware of the clips we would be shooting however, we knew the locations and the set-ups we would be using. Therefore, we improvised and shot what we thought we could work with whilst editing the video whether it is going to be relevant or not.

Locations and set-ups we used.
  • Bench out side Ilkley playhouse
  • The tunnel in Ilkley park
  • The bridge over the river Wharfe
  • Benches on the bridge
We filmed a few different scenes such as our character sitting on a bench on his own,a lot of walking shots including some OTS as well as CU and MS, we experimented with shadows in the tunnel which worked very well as our light sources worked effectively for this. I also came up with the idea of the character laying on a bench but moving around into different positions, then in the during process as the character will be moving from position to position we could use a time lapse to speed it up to emphasise the fact that he has insomnia.

As we had planned we had to wait till later in the day to film approximately 5 o clock. As a result of this we had difficulty with the light provided. We worked with what we had such as phone lights, street lights and one torch. In some shots the light sources we were using worked effectively and looked very good. Though in some shots the light was barely visible meaning we couldn't see the character. But as it's a dark abstract video some shots will work.

This will be something we have to plan ahead for, luckily we had our phone lights and took a torch with us. But, for our next shoot we will definitely have to use a more reliable get source such as a brighter tech or one idea we had that could work well would be to use the car headlights.

We encountered to other problems but these can be easily solved. We couldn't attach the camera to the tri-pod properly so near enough every shot is at a Dutch angle which we will use but obviously not in every shot. Also, our camera ran out of battery mid way through shooting but due to our planning we had bought three other fully charged batteries with us so this problem was overcome immediately. 

Our next shoot is scheduled for the 30th of October which we plan on filming in a house to get shots of our main character struggling to get to sleep in his own house, for this we are thinking of creating a set-up in his garage so we will therefore have to account for the time it will take to set this up however because the garage is rather dark it will look affective. Also whilst we're there we may from in the woods round the back depending on our lighting situation as it will be pitch black as we can't film till late again.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Production plan

Other Faithless Videos tbc

Faithless - We Come 1

This video and the insomnia video are very similair. There is alot of lip synching with a close up of the lead singer Maxi Jazz. It is an occuring theme that Maxi Jazz is the key performer in all, the videos. He is a good performer and actor and makes all the videos entertaining.

However there is rarely a narrative

Monday, 14 October 2013

Podcast No.1

Podcast: 7th October 2013

This is our first podcast together as a group in the podcast we highlight what we are planning to do this week and what we are going to do next week. This will help our time management massively as well as keeping viewers up to date with our work.

Podcast No.2

Podcast 2 October 14th 
This podcast was our second podcast and was about what we did the previous week and what is coming up this week...

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Faithless 'Insomnia' 30s clip SHOOT

Me and jake filmed our 30 second clip on tuesday the eighth of October, we decided upon our location which was a dark room used by the art department at Ilkley Grammar School. The dark room provided minimum light which goes along with the theme of our music video 'I can't get no sleep.'

We used multiple shots and used three locations in total, we wanted to use close ups and mid shots to show our main characters emotion and actions. This will be in much more depth in our full video.

As this is just a rough 30 second clip we wanted to get an idea of the shots we could use and would be able to use. We now know that we are allowed to shoot in the dark room which will no doubt be a key location for our actual shoot

However we did encounter some problems

  • Finding a dark background - even though we shot in the dark room our backdrops were still white/grey this will be something we have to plan ahead for to get a black background sheet of card.
  • Getting official permission to film in the dark room.
  • Lack of dark locations - other than the dark room on school site there isn't much to work with and if we were to film in school our video would have to be heavily edited. We need to decide on a suitable location outside of school.
  • Using an efficient light source.
  • To know the lyrics.

Insomnia Final Group Pitch

Faithless 'Insomnia' 30sec clip ROUGH EDIT

Our rough edit is a short clip we put together to get a feel for the music video we are planning on creating, we used different locations and different shots/angles to try find perfects shots for our clips. Also this clip provided us time to experiment with the editing on our music video, therefore we were able to know what worked well and what didn't.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Our Group

The group i am in is with two other members of my class after an in depth discussion about who should go with who we came to the conclusion that me, Declan Williams and Jake Wilson would work in a group well together. This excluded George Holmes and Ben Brearly.

The song we are going to make a music video for is Faithless - Insomnia 

Here is the original video:

Faithless timings sheet

Faithless 'Insomnia' 20s clip EDITING

On wednesday the 9th Oct we edited our 20sec clip, we wanted to experiment with different effects we could use, different shot types and different locations. When filming we filmed roughly an hours worth of footage of all different angles and shots that would make it easier for us in the editing process.

One of the first effects we used was layering we achieved this by reducing the opacity of the clip and copying and pasting it over the original clip. this creates a layered image on screen in in the bathroom shot where our character was sitting on the toilet this proved to be very effective with the cast effect.

The cast effect was one of the effects we first used, through looking through the different effects provided be Final Cut Pro the image showed dark colours which is what we were trying to achieve as the lighting in the location we used was very bright.

All - German Expression Style - Anthony Corbijn

When getting some feedback about our sample sequence we gathered advice about different shots and methods that we can use in our main video. I then was told about Anthony Corbijn and his use of the german expression style, which uses shadows of people against other things. We went for this idea then in our sample sequence using a dark room and a light to show the shadow against the wall, using different actions to emphasise emotions.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Insomnia-Can't Get No Sleep pitch

Insomnia - Can't Get No Sleep

Like in the original video it will be a very dark themed video. I plan on making shots like on the left, by using the dark room provided by school, miming the words.

Not just this but I will also include peoples hand (hopefully scary girls) to put their hand on the person mimings face, dragging him into the dark.

My idea will be mainly dark, just showing the nightmares of the artist and how he struggles with insomnia. Showing his nightmares e.g demonic girl and boys.

We will follow the artist through a dark street when he lip synchs using dark lighting to show the darkness he is in. The main aim of the video is to provide an insight into his insomnia problem, showing flashbacks of his nightmares